Aside from Hawaii DOE NAEP Math and Reading scores in the national cellar, and 12 years of life taken from each inmate, this (see charts, at left) is reason enough to homeschool in Hawaii. A (since retired) statistician in the Office of the Attorney General, State of Hawaii, compiled the statistics and created the charts. Mark Clarkson rendered the charts into jpg format. Just click on the little red X. The charts display ten years of juvenile arrests, by month (1987-1997). During this interval, most Hawaii DOE schools maintained a September 1 through June 10 (or about) schedule. In Hawaii, juvenile arrests fall in summer, when school is not in session. Beth Clarkson found a similar seasonal variation in juvenile arrest rates in Wichita, Kansas. In Hawaii, reported burglaries fall in summer. Juvenile hospitalizatons for human-induced trauma fall in summer.
One day the Agenda's author will get the hang of these new web communication tools.