
Case, Djou, or Hanabusa

Harriet at one time regarded the three candidates for US Congress from the windward Oahu district (Neil Abercrombie's seat) as competent and qualified. Any of them would represent the people of Hawaii well. Senator Hanabusa fell in Harriet's estimation after introducing SB2007.
Report Title: Budgetary Powers; Legislature; Governor
Description: Clarifies the budgetary powers of the legislature and the executive branches of government.
Package: None
Current Referral: WAM
Introducer(s): HANABUSA
Underlined material is added.
SECTION 1. Section 37-31, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is
amended to read as follows:
"137-31 Intent and policy. It is declared to be the policy and intent of the legislature that the total appropriations made by it, or the total of any budget approved by it, for any department or establishment, shall be deemed to be the maximum amount authorized to meet the requirements of the department or establishment for the period of the appropriation, excepting as may otherwise be provided by law, and that the governor and the director of finance should be given the powers granted by sections 37-32 to 37-41 in order that savings may be effected by careful supervision throughout each appropriation period with due regard to changing conditions; and by promoting more economic and efficient management of state departments and establishments[.];provided that the powers granted to the
governor and the director of finance by sections 37-32 to 37-41 17 shall not be construed to include the power to:
-(1) Restrict funding to a program to the extent that the program cannot adequately execute its intended purpose; or
-( 2 ) Suspend or abolish any existing program, if the program has been authorized bv the leaislature and moneys have been appropriated for the program, unless specifically authorized by the legislature by legislative act.
5. No modification or amendment shall reduce an allotment
below the amount required to adequately execute the intended purpose of an existing program authorized by the legislature and for which moneys have been appropriated unless specifically authorized by the legislature by legislative act.
no reduction shall reduce an allotment below the amount required to adequately execute the intended purpose of an existing program authorized by the legislature and for which moneys have been appropriated unless specifically
authorized by the legislature by legislative act.
The governor shall not utilize the powers granted under sections 37-32 to 37-41 to:
-(1) Restrict funding to a program to the extent that the program cannot adequately execute its intended purpose; or
-(2) Suspend or abolish any existing program, if the program is authorized by the legislature and moneys have been appropriated for the program, unless specifically
authorized by the legislature by legislative act.

Without the power of the single State-wide elected office to restrict expenditures, the State budget becomes a commons, which politicians will abuse. This is the argument for a line-item veto at the national level. Currently, the Hawaii Revised Statutes requires that the Governor balance the budget and gives her the power to do so. Senator Hanabusa's amendment to State law would deprive the Governor of that power. With this bill, Senator Hanabusa assures public-sector workers that she elevates their interests above the interests of taxpayers (and locks in a powerful constituency for the upcoming Congressional election).

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